A generally wet 2024 rainy season is expected over the Sahelian strip, with late to average onset dates in the Central Sahel and early to average in the Western and Eastern Sahel, late to average cessationdates, short dry spells at the beginning of the season in the Western Sahel and average to long dry spells in the Eastern Sahel and overall long towards the end of the season across the entire strip Sahelian region, and overall above-average flows in the main river basins of the Sahel.
For the 2025 major rainy season in the southern parts of the Gulf of Guinea countries, average to below average rainfall totals are expected in southeastern Nigeria, southwestern Côte d'Ivoire and average to above average rainfall in the southwestern parts of Nigeria, southeastern Ghana and southern Benin, Togo and Côte d'Ivoire; an early to average onset, an early to average cessation and long to average dry spell durations are expected over most of the Gulf of Guinea area; average to above average flows in the western coastal basins and above average to average flows in the eastern coastal basins.