5 items
A successful experimentto promote peaceful livestockmobility as a cornerstone of production and marketing systems in West Africa
The N’Djamena symposium in the Republic of Chad (May 2013) and the Nouakchott
declaration in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (October 2013) have given renewed
interest to the livestock sector in view of its significant contribution to people’s incomes
and food security. The PREDIP (Projet régional de dialogue et d’investissement pour
le pastoralisme et la transhumance transfrontalière au Sahel et dans les pays côtiers
de l’Afrique de l’Ouest - Regional Dialogue and Investment Project on Pastoralism and
Transhumance in the Sahel and Coastal West Africa (PREDIP), along with several other
regional initiatives (PRAPS, PEPISAO, etc.) was then implemented to promote and
enhance mobile livestock farming. Implemented between 2018 and 2024, PREDIP covered eight (08) countries, including five (05) coastal countries (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo) and three (03) Sahelian countries (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger), with the main approach being to target cross-border areas between the south of Sahelian countries and the north of coastal countries. These areas, which are known to have a high concentration of animals, are also known to be conflict-ridden due to the exploitation of pastoral resources shared between users. Over the five (05) years of its implementation, PREDIP has provided innovative solutions to the unique challenges of managing pastoral resources, transhumance and interactions between pastoralists and farmers in Sahelian and coastal areas. Whether in terms of improving information systems, sector governance, setting up agro-pastoral infrastructure and facilities or promoting animal health, PREDIP has made significant gains and learnt from its practices. This summary note presents the Project’s main milestones, its achievements, its positive impact, as well as the innovations and best practices that have emerged from its implementation. In view of the challenges that have been met and the results that have been achieved, this brochure also bears witness to the unwavering commitment of all those involved in the successes achieved by PREDIP.
Evaluation of the regulatory framework for pastoralism and cross border transhumance in West Africa and the Sahel
i) The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a pioneer in establishing regulations for the exercise of cross-border transhumance, a somewhat controversial livestock production system in relation to its economic, social and environmental impacts, and the conflicts of access to natural resources that are sometimes associated with it.
ii) Since 1998, ECOWAS has been experimenting with a set of legal and technical instruments to provide a framework for the exercise of this multi-functional credited activity, which makes it a powerful means of strengthening the resilience of populations in general, and pastoralist and herder households in particular, on the one hand, and promoting social and regional integration in West Africa, on the other.
Niamey declaration of the 3rd CICC2024
For a holistic governance of the management of disaster risks caused by extreme climatic events in West Africa in the Sahel
Seasonal Forecasts of Agro-hydro-climatic characteristics of the major rainy season in the Gulf of Guinea countries (PRESAGG - 2025)
For the 2025 major rainy season in the southern parts of the Gulf of Guinea countries, average to below average rainfall totals are expected in southeastern Nigeria, southwestern Côte d'Ivoire and average to above average rainfall in the southwestern parts of Nigeria, southeastern Ghana and southern Benin, Togo and Côte d'Ivoire; an early to average onset, an early to average cessation and long to average dry spell durations are expected over most of the Gulf of Guinea area; average to above average flows in the western coastal basins and above average to average flows in the eastern coastal basins.
Special Bulletin of the 2024 Seasonal forecasts of the Agro-Hydro-Climate characteristics for the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa and the Sahel PRESASS 2024
The 2024 Edition of the PRESASS was organized from April 22 to 26, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, by AGRHYMET Regional Climate Center for West Africa and the Sahem (AGRHYMET RCC-WAS) of the CILSS, in collaboration with ACMAD, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), WMO and the West African River Basin Organizations.
.......Generally a wet rainy season is expected in 2024 over the Sahelian belt, with late to normal starting dates of the agricultural season in the Sahel-Central and early to normal s in the Sahel-West and East; late to normal ending dates of the agricultural season; short dry spells at the beginning of the season in the Sahel-West and medium to long dry spells in the Sahel-East and generally long dry spells towards the end of the season over the entire Sahelian belt; and above-average runoff in the main Sahelian river basins.......