2 items
Ensuring peaceful livestock mobility
Livestock farming plays a central role in the national and regional economies of West
Africa. It accounts for up to 10-15% of the GDP of the Sahelian states1 and contributes
to the local economies of the host areas of transhumant livestock farmers2. It is a major
source of income and employment throughout the sector, providing up to 99% of the red
meat consumed in the sub-region. Pastoral and agropastoral livestock farming systems,
based on the mobility of livestock, are still largely dominant in the sub-region. Several
regional pastoral development initiatives, such as the Projet régional d’appui au
pastoralisme au Sahel or Sahel Regional Pastoralism Support Project (PRAPS), the
Projet régional de dialogue et d’investissement pour le pastoralisme et la transhumance au Sahel et dans les pays côtiers de l’Afrique de l’Ouest or Regional dialogue and Investment Project for Pastoralism and Transhumance in the Sahel and Coastal Countries of West Africa (PREDIP) and the Projet Elevages et pastoralisme intégrés et sécurisés en Afrique de l’Ouest or Integrated and Secure Livestock Production systems and Pastoralism in West Africa Project (PEPISAO), have been developed and implemented by the Permanent Inter-state Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS).
Products for capitalizing on experiences and acquired knowledge of PREDIP
Livestock farmers in West Africa and the Sahel lack access to sufficient information on seasonal weather forecasts, fodder resource availability, livestock market situation, and health and security situation. The aim of the Regional Pastoral Information Service
(SRIP), PREDIP project Component 1, is to improve farmers’ access to reliable technical information tailored to their needs, so that they can optimise their tactical and strategic herd management choices and reduce the risk of conflict with farmers. The information produced as part of the implementation of the SRIP reaches farmers via social networks, call centres and community radio stations. One of the SRIP’s experiments involved the production of interactive programmes by community radio stations. This note capitalises on the experience of radio broadcasts in the regions of Dosso and Maradi in Niger. The themes of the interactive programmes were chosen on the basis of the information needs identified amongst livestock farmers following a preliminary survey
carried out by AGHYMET CCR-AOS, the PREDIP technical focal points and the community radio coordinators. Broadcasts were made in the local languages of these regions. A total of 99 programmes were produced and broadcast by radio stations in 26 communes, including 14 in Dosso and 13 in Maradi. These programmes were broadcast 3,150 times, with an average of 200 editors per programme. Following the broadcasts, a field mission was carried out to assess the impact of the programmes. It turned out that
the broadcasts had made a significant contribution to the timely reception of information and to improving listeners’ knowledge. This has raised awareness, leading to better cohabitation between farmers and herders and calmer transhumance. The professionalism of the community radio stations, the support of the various partners and local authorities, the effective participation of farmers’ associations and the involvement of youth clubs played a key role in the success of these broadcasts. However, the lack of financial and material resources was one of the difficulties encountered by the radio stations. Farmers also complained about the short duration of the broadcasts. In view of these difficulties, partnerships with other radio stations,
extending the duration of broadcasts, and technical and financial support are solutions that have been adopted or are being considered to improve the success and sustainability of the broadcasts.