This document constitutes the main report of the study on the social, economic and environmental impacts, the main drivers of change and the long-term prospects of mobile livestock systems in West Africa. The study was carried out between June 2020 and January 2021 as part of the implementation of the Integrated and Secure Livestock and Pastoralism Project in West Africa (PEPISAO). This regional initiative is funded by the French Development Agency and implemented by the Economic Community of West African States.
This decision support note is the second to materialize the operationalization of the Observatory of Mobile Livestock Systems in West Africa and the Sahel (OSEMAOS); an information platform piloted by the AGRHYMET Regional Center of CILSS in collaboration with ECOWAS and WAEMU. It deals with the pastoral situation from June to November 2024 based on data and informations transmitted by the focal points of the countries, by the Professional Organizations of breeders, pastoralists and farmers, local and cross-borderinter-communities.