12 items
Adapting to climate variability and change in smallholder farming communities: a case study from Burkina faso, Chad and Niger
Climate variability and change is regarded as having major impacts on key sustainable socio-economic and environmental indicators in Sub-Saharan West Africa. Because of these concerns, we investigated smallholders knowledge, skills, and aspirations about managing climate change, and document adaptation strategies used in the semi-arid regions coming from Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger. We analyzed climate data from the 1950’s to the present, including daily and aggregated rainfall and temperature variability, trends and extremes.
AGRHYMET: Adrought monitoring and capacity building center in the West Africa Region
The AGRHYMET Regional Center, a specialized institution of the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), was created in 1974 at the aftermaths of the severe droughts that affected this region in the early 1970s. The mission assigned to the Center was to train personnel, provide adequate equipment for the meteorological and hydrological stations networks, and set up regional and national multidisciplinary working groups to monitor the meteorological, hydrological, crops and pastures conditions during the rainy season. As such, it can be considered as the West Africa drought monitoring center, similarly to its younger counterparts in Eastern and Southern Africa. After 40 years of existence, AGRHYMET’s scope of activities expend now beyond the geographical boundaries of CILSS member states, to include the whole West Africa thanks to several initiatives it has been implementing on behalf of the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) on food security and environmental issues, including climate change. Throughout the years, AGRHYMET developed, in collaboration with international research organizations, models and methodologies based on ground and satellite observations to monitor rainfall, food crop water requirements satisfaction and prospective yields, the progress of vegetation front and its seasonal and interannual variations. It has trained about 1200 new experts in agrometeorology, hydrology, equipment maintenance, and plant protection, and more than 6000 professionals on topics related to food security, climate change, and sustainable natural resources (land and water) management. As of now, AGRHYMET staff is involved in several international initiatives on climate change, food security, and environmental monitoring that allow them keep abreast of the best available technologies and methods, and also contribute to generating knowledge on those issues.
Analyse de l’évolution spatio-temporelle des dérivés pluviométriques caractérisant la saison agricole au Sahel - Central
L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser l’évolution spatio-temporelle des dérivés pluviométriques impactant la qualité de la saison agricole, notamment les périodes de début et de fin de saison, le cumul des pluies, le nombre de jours des pluies, la longueur de la saison et les séquences sèches. Elle s’appuie sur l’analyse des données journalières de 1951 à 2010 de 98 stations météorologiques. Les dérivés pluviométriques sont
d’abord identifiés, ensuite, des indices adaptés sont utilisés pour caractériser leurs évolutions. Ces dérivés présentent des fortes variabilités spatiales et temporelles. Cela a permis de subdiviser la région en quatre (4) zones avec des caractéristiques moyennes très distinctes.
Catchment classification: multivariate statistical analyses for physiographic similarity in the upper niger basin
The objective of this study was to determine physiographic similarity, as indicator of hydrologic similarity between catchments located in the Upper Niger Basin, and to derive the dominant factors controlling each group singularity. We utilized a dataset of 9 catchments described by 16 physical and climatic properties distributed across a wide region with strong environmental gradients. Catchments attributes were first standardized before they underwent an integrated exploratory data analysis composed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) followed by Hierarchical Clustering. Results showed a clear distribution into 2 major clusters: a group of easterly flat catchments and another of westerly hilly catchments. This nomenclature came from the interpretation of the main factors, topography and longitude, that seem to control the most important variability between both clusters. In addition, the hilly catchments were designated to be dominated by forest and ACRISOL soil type, two additional drivers of similarity. The outcome of this study can help understanding catchment functioning and provide a support for regionalization of hydrological information.
Détermination du degré d’aridité bioclimatique de sept localités du département de tillabéri (sud-ouest du niger): classement en zones bioclimatiques
Une détermination du degré d’aridité bioclimatique de sept localités du département de Tillabéri dans le Sud-Ouest nigérien a été faite afin de les classer en zones bioclimatiques. Les données climatiques de trente ans (1970-1999), couplées avec des informations biophysiques de cette région ont été utilisées pour cet exercice. Il ressort de ces investigations que deux zones bioclimatiques distinctes et une zone intermédiaire peuvent être mises en évidence. Il s’agit de la zone semi-aride et de la zone aride. La zone semi-aride a un indice d’aridité compris entre 0,21 et 0,19 et comprend les localités de Say, Kollo et Niamey ; la zone aride, quant à elle, a un indice d’aridité bioclimatique de 0,17 à 0,15 et comprend les localités de Tillabéri, Ouallam et Fillingué. La localité de Téra est classée comme intermédiaire entre les deux zones bioclimatiques.
Evaluating Groundwater Storage Change and Recharge Using GRACE Data: A Case Study of Aquifers in Niger, West Africa
Accurately assessing groundwater storage changes in Niger is critical for long-term water
resource management but is difficult due to sparse field data. We present a study of groundwater
storage changes and recharge in Southern Niger, computed using data from NASA Gravity Recovery
and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission. We compute a groundwater storage anomaly estimate
by subtracting the surface water anomaly provided by the Global Land Data Assimilation System
(GLDAS) model from the GRACE total water storage anomaly. We use a statistical model to fill
gaps in the GRACE data. We analyze the time period from 2002 to 2021, which corresponds to the
life span of the GRACE mission, and show that there is little change in groundwater storage from
2002–2010, but a steep rise in storage from 2010–2021, which can partially be explained by a period
of increased precipitation. We use the Water Table Fluctuation method to estimate recharge rates
over this period and compare these values with previous estimates. We show that for the time range
analyzed, groundwater resources in Niger are not being overutilized and could be further developed
for beneficial use. Our estimated recharge rates compare favorably to previous estimates and provide
managers with the data required to understand how much additional water could be extracted in a
sustainable manner.
Evaluation of the Impact of Seasonal Agroclimatic Information Used for EarlyWarning and Farmer Communities’ Vulnerability Reduction in Southwestern Niger
Abstract: In Niger (a fully Sahelian country), the use of climate information is one of the early warning strategies (EWSs) for reducing socio-economic vulnerabilities in farmer communities. It helps farmers to better anticipate risks and choose timely alternative options that can allow them to generate more profit. This study assesses the impacts of the use of climate information and services that benefit end-users. Individual surveys and focus groups were conducted with a sample of 368 people in eight communes in Southwestern Niger. The survey was conducted within the framework of the
ANADIA project implemented by the National Meteorological Direction (NMD) of Niger. The survey aims to identify different types of climate services received by communities and evaluates the major benefits gained from their use. Mostly, the communities received climate (73.6%) and weather (99%) information on rainfall, temperature, dust, wind, clouds, and air humidity. Few producers in the area (10%) received information on seasonal forecasts of the agrometeorological characteristics of the rainy season. The information is not widely disseminated in the villages during the roving seminars conducted by the NMD. For most people, this information is highly relevant to their needs because of its practical advice for options to be deployed to mitigate disasters for agriculture, livestock, health, water resources, and food security. In those communities, 82% of farmers have (at least once) changed their routine practices as a result of the advice and awareness received according to the climate
information. The information received enables farmers (64.4%) to adjust their investments according to the profile of the upcoming rainfall season. The use of climate information and related advice led to an increase of about 64 bunches (equivalent to 10 bags of 100 kg) in annual millet production, representing an income increase of about 73,000 FCFA from an average farmland of 3 ha per farmer. In addition, the use of climate information helps to reduce the risks of floods and droughts, which often cause massive losses to crop production, animal and human life, infrastructure, materials, and goods. It has also enabled communities to effectively manage seeds and animal foods and to plan
social events, departures and returns to rural exodus. These analyses confirm that the use of climate information serves as an EWS that contributes to increasing the resilience of local populations in the Sahel.
Multi-site validation of the swat model on the bani catchment: model performance and predictive uncertainty
The objective of this study was to assess the performance and predictive uncertainty of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model on the Bani River Basin, at catchment and subcatchment levels. The SWAT model was calibrated using the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach. Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and biomass were considered in theverificationofmodeloutputsaccuracy. GlobalSensitivityAnalysis(GSA)wasusedforidentifying important model parameters. Results indicated a good performance of the global model at daily as well as monthly time steps with adequate predictive uncertainty. PET was found to be overestimated but biomass was better predicted in agricultural land and forest. Surface runoff represents the dominant process on streamflow generation in that region. Individual calibration at subcatchment scale yielded better performance than when the global parameter sets were applied. These results are very useful and provide a support to further studies on regionalization to make prediction in ungauged basins.