Climate change responses from west african states
Climate change responses from west african states
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) offers the developing countries some tools to evaluate their vulnerabilities to climate changes, to plan and to implement adaptation and mitigation policies and measures. Among them, National Action Plans for Adaptation (NAPAs) and National Communications are of particular importance, especially for West Africa. NAPAs identify urgent adaptation actions to be supported by international climate finance, after a participatory process aiming at identifying present and future vulnerabilities, as well as existing or innovative adaptation measures, and hierarchizing priorities. National Communications present national inventories of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions and removals, as well as countries’ vulnerabilities in terms of climate changes, thus identifying adaptation and mitigation policies and measures. All Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of the CILSS/ECOWAS area have developed at least a NAPA or a National Communication; most have developed these two documents. However, the action of the West African countries is not limited to these tools. For over a decade, many national policies, particularly those relating to rural development and agriculture, have taken climate change into account and have planned specific actions on adaptation. In the case of Burkina-Faso, these include the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (PAN-LCD), dealing with the prevention and management of climate hazards, the National Agriculture Investment Programme (PNIA) which addresses sustainable management of land, and the National Programme for the Rural Sector (PNSR), which includes the PNIA and provides for the adaptation of forest and agricultural resources, and the improvement of knowledge in terms of vulnerability and adaptation. In Niger, the PAN-LCD identifies climate as the first driver of desertification and focuses on the analysis and monitoring of climate changes. The PNIA aims at reducing the dependence of farming systems to climate hazards and the 3-N initiative ("Nigeriens feed Nigeriens"), which largely relies on the PNIA, quotes adaptation as one of the five challenges to food security.