Ghana medium term agriculture sector investment plan (metasip)


Ghana medium term agriculture sector investment plan (metasip)
The Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP) (2011 – 2015) has been developed using a largely participatory process and based on FASDEP II objectives with a target for agriculture sector GDP growth of at least 6& annually and government expenditure allocation of at least 10& of the national budget within the plan period. These targets are in conformity with agricultural performance targets of the country’s National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), the ECOWAP of ECOWAS and the CAADP of NEPAD and are expected to contribute significantly to the achievement of the MDGs of the United Nations Organization. As a sector investment plan, emphasis throughout the Plan has been on concerted consultations and actions by all stakeholders of the sector. The key stakeholders include MOFA, other relevant MDAs, DPs, NGOs, academia, civil society, farmers and other on-farm and off-farm private sector operators, researchers and service providers. Agriculture continues to be the largest sector of Ghana’s economy, contributing about 39& of GDP compared to about 26& for the industry sector and 31& for the services sector. Arable and industrial crop production has increased only marginally over the last 10 years with the only exception being cocoa which increased significantly between 2000 and 2005. Cotton and coffee production declined very significantly in the last decade. While there is little reliable information on the livestock sub-sector, it is known that the country’s meat situation is deficit to the tune of over 95,000 metric tonnes annually. There is similarly a deficit of about 460,000 metric tonnes with respect to fish. The identified basic problems of the agriculture sector include: reliance on rainfed agriculture and low level and relatively inefficient irrigated agriculture; low level of mechanization in production and processing; high post harvest losses as a result of poor post harvest management; low level and ineffective agricultural finance; poor extension services as a result of several institutional and structural inefficiencies; lack of ready markets and processing; low performing breeds of livestock; poor feeding of livestock; high cost of feed for poultry; poor livestock housing and husbandry management; competition from imports and poor post-production management of livestock products; over-fishing of natural waters; undeveloped fish value chain (e.g. inadequate supply systems for fingerlings and feed) and lack of skills in aquaculture. Strategies in the Plan to improve agricultural performance therefore focus on investments to address these constraints and to improve agricultural productivity and enhance market access. The six Programmes of the Plan which correspond to the six FASDEP II objectives have each been presented along development themes termed Components. POCC analysis was applied to the development issues of the themes to derive outputs and activities. It is envisaged that the Plan will be implemented by existing structures in the MDAs and other stakeholder organizations and that the Policy Coordinating and Monitoring Unit of the Office of the President and the NDPC will play key oversight roles during implementation. MOFA will xii facilitate the coordination of partnerships at all levels and play a lead role in the monitoring and evaluation of the Plan
Ministry of Food
Ministry of food and agriculture
Changement climatique
Adaptation au changement climatique
Récupération des terres
Changement climatique
Document National